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Approve Core Client

This section explains how to perform Core Client custody using the /coreclient API endpoint:

  • fetch data for all requests pending Core client custody: GET /actions
  • fetch details of a specific action: GET /action/{action_id}
  • approve a transaction pending Core client custody: PUT /action/{action_id}
  • reject a transaction pending Core client custody: DELETE /action/{action_id}

The Core Client uses its own subset of the API. Each API call is performed on behalf of the Core Client, specified by its client_id. Every transaction request pending Core Client custody is referred to as action and is identified by its action_id.

In terms of the Core Client, all transactions pending approval are referred to as actions. Every action has a unique ID, as well as properties, such as type (transfer or withdrawal), status (pending, expired, approved, rejected), and timestamps of creation and expiry.

Get all pending approval requests

This example fetches all transaction requests that require Core Client custody. In other words, these are all transaction requests in pending status. The response returns a JSON object with count of actions and relevant details.

Example request: GET /actions

This example retrieves all actions in pending status: similarly to a Core Client feed. With this API resource, you pass your Core client_id as a URL parameter.

GET /coreclient/{client_id}/actions

Example response: GET /actions

A successful response returns a list of available actions.

  "count": 1,
  "actions": [
      "id": "<action _id, such as: 21PWl0QKlKfOIkXbhdwxSinEsK2>",
      "type": "<tx type: 'ApproveTransfer' or 'ApproveWithdraw'>",
      "status": "<action status: 'pending', 'expired', 'approved', or 'rejected'>",
      "timestamp": "<Epoch timestamp when action was created>",
      "expireTime": "<Epoch timestamp when action expires if not approved/rejected>"

Get details of a specific action

Use GET /action/{action_id} to view various details of the transaction request, including origin and destination Wallet IDs.

View action details of any status, not just `pending`

You can use this API call to view details of any action, regardless of its status, whether approved, rejected, expired or pending.

Example request: GET /action/{action_id}

This example retrieves details of an action. With this API resource, you pass your Core client_id and action_id as URL parameters.

GET /coreclient/{client_id}/action/{action_id}

Example responses: GET /action/{action_id}

The response is a little different when the transaction is of type transferOut or type withdraw: the final two parameters differ with each tx type.

  "id": "<action ID, such as: 21PWl0QKlKfOIkXbhdwxSinEsK2>",
  "coreClientID": "<client ID, such as: 9niR8T...RW3xu>",
  "type": "<tx type: 'ApproveTransfer' or 'ApproveWithdraw'>",
  "status": "<current tx status: 'pending','approved', 'rejected', 'expired'>",
  "timestamp": "<Epoch timestamp when action was initiated, e.g. 1637843349>",
  "expireTime": "<Epoch timestamp when action expires if not approved/rejected>",
  "details": {
    "txType": "withdraw",
    "txID": "21PWl2yp1k4VocrXehPxgBjVCkH",
    "walletID": "<tx originating Qredo Wallet ID>",
    "asset": "asset type, e.g. BTC, ETH, BTC-TESTNET ETH-TESTNET",
    "amount": "<tx amount in asset base units>",
    "fees": "<tx or withdrawal fee>",
    "netAmount": "<tx or withdrawal asset amount in base units>",
    "reference": "<a reference value for this tx>",
    "benefitOf": "John Smith",
    "accountNo": "123-XX",
    "companyID": "<company ID, blank with withdrawals>",
    "fundID": "209fc...yvN1",
    "initiatedTime": "<Epoch timestamp when action was initiated, e.g. 1637843349>",
    "expires": "<Epoch timestamp when action expires if not approved/rejected>",
    "initiatedBy": "",
    "initiatorName": "",
    "initiatorType": "",
    "recipientAddress": "<L1 address when 'txType': 'withdraw'>",
    "recipientAddressName": "<name given to address when whitelisted>"

Approve action pending custody

Use PUT /action/{action_id} to approve a transaction request pending Core Client custody. A successful response returns a HTTP 200 OK confirmation. You can only approve actions in pending status.

Example request: PUT /action/{action_id}

This example approves a pending action. With this API resource, you pass your Core client_id and action_id as URL parameters.

PUT /coreclient/{client_id}/action/{action_id}

Example response: PUT /action/{action_id}

The approve response returns HTTP 200 OK.


Reject action pending custody

Use DELETE /action/{action_id} to reject a transaction request pending Core Client custody. A successful response returns a HTTP 200 OK confirmation. You can only reject actions in pending status.

Example request: DELETE /action/{action_id}

This example rejects a pending action. With this API resource, you pass your Core client_id and action_id as URL parameters.

DELETE /coreclient/{client_id}/action/{action_id}

Example response: DELETE /action/{action_id}

The rejection response returns HTTP 200 OK.
