The Qredo API and Partner API are being deprecated and will be replaced by a breaking change in Q4. To receive updates about the release, register here.
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Introduction to Wallets

A Qredo Wallet holds and/or provides custody over your digital assets. Each digital asset type must have its own Wallet.

A user may create an infinite number of Wallets that are grouped in collections called Funds.

Where are my assets?

Where your assets are held depends upon the Wallet class you choose.

Wallet classAsset location/sExchanges supportedFurther reading
ConnectedExternal L1YHelp center
StandardQredo L2 and external chainsNHelp center
VestingQredo L2NHelp center

Connected Wallets

Unlike a Standard Wallet, Connected Wallets do not hold assets. The assets remain on the EVM chain. Rather, they provide Qredo's secure custody layer over transactions performed by external Wallets. The Connected Wallet class includes several Wallet types:

All Connected Wallets support the allowlisting of addresses to control where assets may be sent. Learn more in the help center.

Which Wallets work with Qredo API?

To integrate with Qredo directly through Qredo API v1 services, you will use one of the supported Wallet types:

Web3 API Wallets

You can use Web3 API Wallets to automate transaction submission, signing, and approval via the Web3 API Wallet service.

The Web3 API Wallet leverages the full Qredo custody suite, giving you, your trusted parties, and/or the Signing Agent, control over transactions. Furthermore, because API key permissions can be limited to one or more Web3 API Wallets, you gain additional configuration flexibility.

When used alongside a Signing Agent for automating the approval process, Web3 API Wallets provide a programmatic custody layer to existing transaction flows that occur in external (non-Qredo) Wallets.

Connected Wallets rely on Qredo fee station being in credit (required to pay Qredo fees).

Read-only API

The Read-only API lets holders of Qredo Wallets view basic information about their account, Wallet, and Funds. It supports the following Wallet classes:
