The Qredo API and Partner API are being deprecated and will be replaced by a breaking change in Q4. To receive updates about the release, register here.
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Qredo API

Qredo API tool

Qredo provides a tool to assist with signing your signature and testing your integration. This page describes the testing tool. We also recommend you use the Sandbox environment to perform your tests.

The Qredo API tool:

  • Signs API requests
  • Submits signed API requests to Qredo
  • Is available both as a command-line tool and as a Web UI

This Golang tool is hosted on GitHub. You are welcome to clone or fork the repository to adapt it to your needs when building your custom client for signing and sending requests.

The API tool is for tests only

Qredo provides the API tool for illustrative purposes. We don't recommend using it in production.


  • You have created your API key and secret.
  • You are comfortable sending headers:
    • Signature:qredo-api-sig
    • Timestamp: qredo-api-ts
    • API key: qredo-api-key

Enable testnet assets

While not mandatory, Qredo strongly recommends you perform API tests using testnet assets.

Install Golang

To build and run the Signing Client, you must have Golang installed. Using a command-line tool, verify whether you have Golang installed:

go version

If you don't have Golang, install a recent stable version to proceed.

Build the API tool

To build the API tool, take the following steps:

  1. Clone a local copy of the API tool.

  2. Navigate to the local apitool repository.

  3. Using the command-line tool, build the API tool to work with your keys:

go build -o apitool

(You can also run this command on Windows using PowerShell / Git Bash.)

The command-line tool prints out a message about the apitool executable location. You can now proceed with using the API tool.

Sign API requests in the command line

In the command-line tool, run the following command:

./apitool -api-key 9OgjbzwhoE4LJA \
-secret EXAMpleAPIsecrETthatCONTAINSnumber5andLetT3r5y8vdERqOFZCNHlzaWZWYjBzOG9BcWU4a0Uu \
-method GET \
-url sign

(You can also run this command on Windows using PowerShell / Git Bash.)

The command-line tool prints out the Signature (qredo-api-sign header) and the timestamp (qredo-api-ts header):

qredo-api-sign: S1GnAxSlgbL0-KA47kBwa0c7XLgX7cWUi00NMXYV5jA
qredo-api-key: KeY9OgjhoE4LJA
qredo-api-ts: 1234438269

You can now proceed to send a request.

Send API requests in the command line

In the command-line tool, run the following command:

./apitool -api-key k3y9OgjhoE4LJA \
-secret EXAMpleAPIsecrETthatCONTAINSnumber5andLetT3r5y8vdERqOFZCNHlzaWZWYjBzOG9BcWU4a0Uu8vdERqOFZCNHlzaWZWYjBzOG9BcWU4a0Uu \
-method GET \
-url send

(You can also run this command on Windows using PowerShell / Git Bash.)

The command-line tool prints out the API call response as uncompressed JSON:


Sign and send requests via Web UI

The API tool initiates a locally-served Web UI providing simple controls to sign and send API calls.

Initiate the Web UI API tool

./apitool ui

(You can also run this command on Windows using PowerShell / Git Bash.)

The command-line tool prints out the local host location of the API tool Web UI:

WebUI listening on

Sign and send requests

The Web UI supports:

  • Signing a request: Click Sign.

    The application returns the API call Signature and timestamp.

  • Signing and sending a request: Click Send.

    The application returns the API call Signature and timestamp plus the HTTP response body.

With the Web UI running, open the local host location in a browser and follow these steps:

  1. Enter your API key and API secret.
  2. Enter the full URL path of your selected API endpoint. For example, with GET /balance, enter
  3. Select the HTTP method of the API request you want to send. For example, with GET /balance, set this value to GET.
  4. In the Body text box, enter the API call body. Applicable to requests with HTTP methods such as POST or PUT. Leave blank when the request doesn't have a body, e.g., GET requests.
  5. Click Send. The API tool Web UI prints out the results in two sections of the screen: * To the right of the Body text box, you can observe your API key shown as (Qredo-API-Key), the API call timestamp (Qredo-API-Ts), and the API call Signature (Qredo-API-Sig). * Below the buttons Send and Sign, the web UI API tool prints out the response JSON body.
Sign Qredo API calls