The Qredo API and Partner API are being deprecated and will be replaced by a breaking change in Q4. To receive updates about the release, register here.
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Partner API

Atomic swaps

Deprecation Notice

This section mentions the Core Client and Liquidity Hub, which are now deprecated. The Core Client is replaced by the Signing Agent.


Qredo users can exchange assets via atomic swaps. Atomic swaps allow two parties to trade cryptoassets that reside on different blockchains, e.g. exchange some amount of BTC for some amount of ETH.

Therefore, the party initiating the atomic swap, proposes a quote and can post it to a liquidity hub or to a dedicated receiver. The initiator party that creates the swap quote is called the liquidity Maker. The party that accepts a quote is the Taker. To learn more, see Atomic swap roles.

To complete this section, you go through the flows of Maker and Taker:

  1. As Maker, create an atomic swap quote using POST atomicswap/make.
  2. Have Maker's approvers approve the quote.
  3. As Maker, submit the quote to the Liquidity Hub using POST /liquidityhub. Optionally, you can use an external secure channel to pass directly a quote to another entity (must be part of the same company).
  4. As a potential Taker, retrieve quotes on the Liquidity Hub using GET /liquidityhub or a WebSocket feed.
  5. As Taker, select a quote by tx_id to take it using POST /atomicswap/take/{tx_id}.
  6. Have Taker's approvers approve the quote.

This is the entire flow of an atomic swap and the swap completes in a single transaction.

Taker and Maker must have Wallets of both asset types

Each side must have Wallets of both asset types, e.g. ETH & BTC. Obviously, the sending Wallets of both Maker and Taker must have the necessary balance to complete an atomic swap.

Atomic swap roles

Completion of an atomic swap requires a Maker to create and submit the quote and the Taker to retrieve and take the quote.


If the quote offers BTC for ETH, it would be in the form of (for example): I offer you 7550075 BTC satoshis in exchange for 1000000000 gweis worth of ETH. Obviously, this requires the Maker to have Wallets with both asset types in the quote: a "sending" Wallet with BTC and a "receiving" Wallet ETH. Once you submit the atomic swap, it undergoes custody as it counts as an outgoing tx. The quote is ready to be posted to liquidity hub. Optionally, you can share the swap quote tx_id with a Taker Qredo user via a secure channel, and that Taker can take it from here.


Once a quote is published, you can view it on the liquidity hub. Optionally, if the Maker has shared with you the quote, you can skip the liquidity hub. Then, select a quote using its tx_id and accept it. Your transaction must undergo custody before you complete the swap. Obviously, this requires the Taker to have Wallets with both asset types in the quote: but to be able to accept the quote (sell ETH for BTC as the Maker's quote offers), the "sending" Wallet must have ETH and the "receiving" Wallet must be of type BTC.

1. Maker: Create atomic swap quote

With atomic swaps a company (identified by company_id) submits a quote to a "partner Wallet".

  • Select the origin (send_wallet_id) and a the destination (receive_wallet_id).
  • Specify the assets and quantities for sending and receiving.
  • Set an expiry time for the swap.
  • Post the details to the endpoint.

Example request: POST atomicswap/make

curl -X POST "{company_id}/atomicswap/make"

Request body

To make this example more specific, Maker will offers 755006 satoshis worth of BTC in exchange for 100000000 gweis worth of ETH.

  "send_wallet_id": "<Wallet ID for asset to send: not the address>",
  "receive_wallet_id": "<Wallet ID for asset to receive: not the address>",
  "expires": "<Epoch timestamp when atomic swap quote expires if not approved>",
  "reference": "<reference value: a custom field>",
  "partner_txID": "<a transaction ID: a custom field>",
  "send": {
    "symbol": "BTC",
    "amount": 755006
  "receive": {
    "symbol": "ETH",
    "amount": 100000000
  "add_to_liquidity_hub": false

When add_to_liquidity_hub set to true, the swap will be published to the Liquidity Hub once it gets approved.

Example response: POST /atomicswap/make

The response notably returns the swap quote tx_id.

  "tx_id": "bda3da......eae4e80",
  "tx_url": "***eae4e80",
  "status": "new"

2. Undergo custody on Maker's side

As a Maker, your quote must undergo custody on the outgoing transaction, which specifically concerns the send Wallet. In case you're using a Core client, it will receive the pending action:

  "coreClientID": "9niR8...RW3xu",
  "expireTime": 1641998800,
  "id": "<the action_id, not the same as the tx_id>",
  "status": "pending",
  "timestamp": "<Epoch timestamp when atomic swap is submitted by Maker>",
  "type": "ApproveSwap"

If the Taker is using a Core Client for custody, the feed will present the tx as "type": "ApproveSwap" and an action id.

Similarly to all submitted transactions pending custody, use POST Once an approval is granted to the quote, you can move on.

3. Maker: Post to liquidity hub

This step is optional since you are not obliged to post to the liquidity hub. Currently, atomic swaps are available to a single API account only. This means that both Maker and Taker must belong to the same API account. Maker and Taker may belong to different companies. Learn more about the Liquidity Hub on the Qredo Help Center.

  • Add a quote to the liquidity hub with the tx_id from the previous step.
  • Use the maker's company_id.

Example request: POST /liquidityhub

curl -X POST "{company_id}/liquidityhub"

Request body

  "tx_id": "1lm519eiGT......HrEYvSBuSn"

Example response: POST /liquidityhub


4. Taker: Retrieve all current swap quotes

Practically, to get all available quotes on the liquidity hub, the Taker could use either (or both):

  • the GET /liquidityhub API resource to retrieve all currently available quotes.
  • the liquidityhub WebSocket to retrieve all newly published quotes.

In both cases you get the tx_id you need to move onwards.

Example request: GET /liquidityhub

This example retrieves all quotes posted on liquidity hub. With this API resource, you pass your Core company_id as a URL parameter.

curl -X GET "{company_id}/liquidityhub"

Example response: GET /liquidityhub

The response returns a list of available atomic swaps.

  "items": [
    "tx_id": "1lmBA...doZYO,",
    "send_asset": "BTC",
    "send_amount": 755006,
    "receive_asset": "ETH",
    "receive_amount": 100000000,
    "owner": "<a flag indicating if atomic swap belongs to queried company_id:'true' or 'false'>",
    "expires": "<Epoch timestamp when atomic swap quote expires if not approved>",
    "added": "<Epoch timestamp when atomic swap quote added to LH>",

Optional: Use Liquidity Hub WebSocket feed

As an example, you can use the Signing Client to connect to a liquidityhub WebSocket feed.

  1. Launch the CLI and navigate to the directory where the Signing Client is located.
  2. In the CLI, type the following:
   ./partnerapi-sign liquidityhub
  1. The prompt will ask you to enter the WebSocket URL. Paste in the following link:

Upon success, the CLI will print out connected.

Newly posted swaps in `liquidityhub` feed

Whenever a swap quote is posted to Liquidity Hub, the WebSocket feed prints out the Tx_ID and its current Status:

UPDATE IN LIQUIDITY HUB. TxID: 1lmBA...doZYO, Status: taker_pending

5. Taker: Accept the quote

As the Taker, you can use the transaction ID tx_id returned in the GET /liquidityhub response to get more details about the quote using the GET /atomicswap/make/{tx_id} API resource.

curl -X GET "{company_id}/atomicswap/make/{tx_id}"
  • Select a fund with the required Wallets of the required assets. Obviously, your send Wallet must contain the required balance to complete the swap.
  • Complete the swap:
curl -X POST "{company_id}/atomicswap/take/"
  • Use fund_id, swap_id and reference to take the quote before it expires.

Example request: POST /atomicswap/take/{tx_id}

curl -X POST "{company_id}/atomicswap/take"

Request body

  "swap_id": "<the tx_id returned using GET /liquidityhub>",
  "send_wallet_id": "<Wallet ID for asset to send: not the address>",
  "receive_wallet_id": "<Wallet ID for asset to receive: not the address>",
  "reference": "CX15R99XX",
  "partner_txID": ""

Example response: POST /atomicswap/take/{tx_id}

A successful response returns a new tx_id. The newly submitted transfer out transaction must now undergo custody.

Do not mistake the newly returned tx_id for action `id`.

The newly created tx_id is not the same as the action id that the trusted party will receive for custody!

You can use this tx_id to query this particular transaction, using GET /company/{company_id}}/atomicswap/make/{tx_id}.

6. Undergo custody on Taker's side

Taking an atomic swap needs approval on Taker's side, using the new tx_id. Only after this approval is the swap completed.

If the Taker is using a Core Client for custody, the feed will present the tx as "type": "ApproveSwapTake" and an action id (not the same as the tx_id returned in the previous step):

  "coreClientID": "6kC7C...Vuz4W",
  "expireTime": "<Epoch timestamp when atomic swap quote expires if not approved>",
  "id": "22NV0...GYd5",
  "status": "pending",
  "timestamp": "<Epoch timestamp when atomic swap is accepted by Taker>",
  "type": "ApproveSwapTake"

Use PUT /company/{company_id}}/action/{action_id} for approval of Taker's transaction. A successful response will return HTTP 200 OK.

View tx status and company holdings to see how your balance is reflected

With the example described, the Maker's receive Wallet balance should increase with 100000000 gweis worth of ETH.

On the Taker's side, their BTC Wallet is the receiver one, and its balance should increase with 755006 satoshis worth of BTC.

  • View transaction status using the GET /transfer/{tx_id} API resource, as explained in Partner API quick start walkthrough Step 5. Perform a transfer.

  • Retrieve company holdings to view how your balance is reflected.
